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-- Sous quelles formes ce médicament se présente-t-il, anavar dosages. C'est également une hormone qui permet de perdre du gras plus facilement en augmentant le métabolisme de base. La testostérone peut se trouver sous forme libre (2 à 3 %) ou liée à une protéine, . Ces différentes formes conditionnent différemment l'action de la testostérone. Dosage de la testostérone. On pourra faire un dosage sanguin de la testostérone : chez l'homme, afin de comprendre un dysfonctionnement des glandes sexuelles ; chez la femme, dans le cadre d'une démarche diagnostique liée à un hirsutisme (excès de poils dans des zones qui ne sont pas habituellement poilues).
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-- Narring, Genève (Médecine de l’adolescence) ; Pr L, anavar dosages. Titre REVUE MÉDICALE SUISSE 104 Éditeur Médecine et Hygiène Thème Sexologie Type Revues ISSN 1660-9379 Durée 12 mois, . Revue médicale suisse Médecine et Hygiène Chemin de la Mousse 46 1225 Chêne-Bourg Suisse. Rédacteur en chef adjoint.
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Libérer le nombre de granules dont vous avez besoin pour votre prise (en générale de 3 à 5), anavar dosages. Les granules se retrouvent ainsi dans le capuchon doseur. Retirer le capuchon doseur du tube. Portez le capuchon à votre bouche et placer les granules sous votre langue. Mais comment expliquer que ce cycle reste en phase avec les saisons, anavar dosages. Ce tissu glandulaire mammaire disparait généralement tout seul après les premières semaines de vie et avant l’âge d’1 an ; Pendant la (pré)puberté, lorsque les hormones s’affolent temporairement, le rapport entre les œstrogènes et les androgènes varie, ce qui peut donner un développement des seins, taille haie hgh telescopique. Anavar, the brand name for oral steroid Oxandrolone,. Some women like to take clen and/or nolvadex during their anavar cycle if they are cutting, but these are not. For loss fat clenbuterol dose. Lieu d'origine: La Chine. Nom de marque: Shanghai Stero. Certification: SGS, ISO9001, GMP. La dose standard pour les hommes. Vial Anavar 10mg Dragon Pharma Testosterone cypionate 250mg/ml x 10 ml. Achat cure de testosterone. Chez les femmes, les doses d'Anavar sont assez faibles. Environ 10 mg d'Anavar par jour est la dose. Comment prendre des pilules Anavar The method T tot E170 (I) has acceptable performance (between-run CV = 20% at 120 pg/ml) for routine investigations but T tot MS (II) is required at lower levels (between-run CV = 4. The validity of the T Bio 3 H results depends on the validity of the total T results on which they are calculated, augmenter sa testostérone produit. Despite this limitation, if we use the criteria of maintaining imprecision within- and between-run (CV) < 5% et < 10% respectively at or below (T Bio < 6 pg/ml) the lowest quartile of the reference range for reproductive age women (20–40 years), T Bio 3 H methods III and IV are the only adequate techniques for routine use although the direct ID-GCMS method V has high but insufficient sensitivity. Ce médicament est un supplément d'hormones masculines. prix acheter légal anabolisants stéroïde paypal. MAIS la stratégie pour perdre du poids doit être progressive, maîtrisée, avec des conseils adaptés : pas de suppression totale des graisses, pas de perte trop rapide de poids ; sportifs, n’hésitez-pas à vous faire coacher au niveau de votre nutrition ; trop de blessures, coups de moins bien, états de méforme, sont en relation avec une nutrition peu performante au quotidien, ou avant-pendant-après l’effort. Votre taux de testostérone tombe dans les chaussettes (et pas que lui …) dès lors que vous cherchez à « dégraisser » trop vite. Sur de très nombreux dossiers de sportifs de haut niveau j’ai corrélé sur des courbes le taux de testostérone et le % de masse grasse (prise des plis cutanés) : à l’évidence il existe une relation DIRECTE entre les 2 courbes. Merci à tous pour votre fidélité sur ce site de conseils en médecine et en nutrition du sport qui chaque jour réunit 4000 à 7000 visiteurs, . Comment augmenter naturellement son taux de testostérone. Anavar dosages, acheter stéroïdes en ligne expédition dans le monde entier.. -- Augmentez les doses progressivement, anavar dosages. Les mères de ces 11 enfants avaient reçu, durant leur grossesse, des injections d’androgènes synthétiques pour prévenir une hypertension artérielle, . En revanche, les frères et sœurs de ces enfants n’avaient pas subi cette influence in utero. Ils ont constaté que les 11 enfants exposés à des androgènes in utero réagissaient plus agressivement que leurs frères et sœurs. Récemment, Bonnie Auyeung et ses collègues du Centre de recherche sur l’autisme de Cambridge ont montré que les garçons et les filles présentent des comportements d’autant plus masculins que la concentration de testostérone dans le liquide amniotique était élevée durant la grossesse.. Buy Anavar Oxandrolone in Uganda. Si vous recherchez des Anavar. Dosage de poudre, 98% min Poudre blanche. De masse creatine, travailler lombaire, stano winstrol, pack anavar,. Arnold dianabol dosage, steroides legaux, steroide pour musculation,. Produit par: dragon pharmaceutique. Dianabol, anavar, clenbuterol, trenbolone, hgh, deca and other. Anavar: uses, dosage, side effects, cycle, and natural alternative. Online stores like canadian anabolics sell a variety of supplements, Anavar dosages, commander anabolisants stéroïdes en ligne paypal.. -- Les signes cliniques de maladies du foie ou de la thyroïde (hyperthyroïdie) doivent également être recherchés, anavar dosages. Quels sont ses effets, . Il sagit dune hormone mâle sécrétée en partie par les glandes surrénales (situées au-dessus des deux reins) et les organes sexuels. Souvent considérée comme lhormone de la sexualité, elle possède en réalité de nombreux rôles dans lorganisme. La première est liée à la protéine SHBG et a peu deffet sur lorganisme, tandis que la seconde est libre et utilisable par lorganisme" , explique le Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologue à Paris.. Pas cher prix acheter anabolisants stéroïdes en ligne médicaments de musculation. Raised the back of the bed up stromectol dose org Podcast 374 Steroids for new users Anavar, Primobolan Depot, Equipoise, Testosterone. It is one of the very few anabolic steroids that will not convert to estrogen at any dosage. It is a versatile, multi-purpose steroid which has very low. , sous la marque Anavar,. Dosage : 10-80mg/jour Substance active : Anavar / Oxaver 10mg. Pour les femmes, les doses. Anavar 10 de Dragon Pharma en Espagne. Lire la suite: Avis sur Anavar : Fonctionne t il vraiment. Some women like to take clen and/or nolvadex during their anavar cycle if they are cutting, but these are not. For loss fat clenbuterol dose. It is one of the very few anabolic steroids that will not convert to estrogen at any dosage. It is a versatile, multi-purpose steroid which has very low. Produit par: dragon pharmaceutique. Stéroïdes populaires: Samarin 140mg x 100 tablets Halobol 5 mg (50 tabs) Masterone 100mg/ml x 10ml Test Propionate 70mg Winstrol – 10mg Oxydrolone 50 mg (50 tabs) Testosterone cypionate 250mg/ml x 10 ml Maha Pharma Oxymetholone 50 mg (50 tabs) Methyldrostanolone Clenbuterol Winstrol 100mg/ml x 10ml Oxymetholone Anavar – 50mg Equipoise 250mg/ml x 10ml
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The Shadow Strike Assassin build in Diablo 4 Season 7 brings an exciting and high-damage playstyle to the game. With its ability to blend stealth, speed, and burst damage, this build offers a thrilling experience for those who love quick and decisive strikes. Here’s how to build your Shadow Strike Assassin for maximum effectiveness:
Key Features of the Shadow Strike Assassin Build
Shadow Strike: The primary damage-dealing skill of this build. It allows you to teleport to enemies and land devastating attacks with the element of surprise. With proper gearing, this ability scales incredibly well with critical damage and mobility.Smoke Grenade: A crucial defensive and utility tool, Smoke Grenade grants you a brief period of invisibility. It allows you to escape dangerous situations or reposition for the next perfect strike.Skill Synergies: This build is all about combining speed, stealth, and damage-over-time effects. Pairing Shadow Strike with Poison Trap and Shadow Imbuement will poison your enemies, weakening them and setting you up for quick eliminations.
Passive Skills: Focus on passives like Ambush and Night Stalker. These passives will increase your critical strike chance and damage reduction, enhancing both your offensive capabilities and survivability.
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Diablo 4 Season 6: Mastering the Quill Volley Eagle Build for PVE and PVP as a Spiritborn
In Diablo 4 Season 6, the Spiritborn class, born from the Vessel of Hatred DLC, has quickly gained popularity among players due to its unique blend of Shamanic and Warrior abilities. With the power to evolve from the Witch Doctor class of the early Diablo series, Spiritborn is one of Diablo IV Items the strongest and most dynamic classes in the game. Although it is a newer addition and doesn’t have as many build options as other classes, its potential is immense, especially when paired with the right skills and strategies.
Among the most powerful builds for Spiritborn in Season 6 is the Quill Volley Eagle Build. Whether you're exploring the depths of the PVE world or testing your mettle in PVP combat, the Quill Volley Eagle Build is designed to maximize your damage output while providing flexibility in both modes. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into how to use the Quill Volley Eagle Build effectively, covering skill allocation, rotation, Spirit Hall choices, and mercenaries in both PVE and PVP.
The Quill Volley Eagle Build in PVE
The Quill Volley Eagle Build stands out as the most powerful Spiritborn PVE build in Diablo 4 Season 6. Despite the possibility of future nerfs in Season 7, this build is still widely considered the go-to option for players who want to excel in combat scenarios that require a balance of single-target and area damage.
Skill Allocation for the Quill Volley Eagle Build
To maximize the potential of the Quill Volley Eagle Build, you need to allocate your skill points wisely. Both active and passive skills play a significant role in making the build effective. Below is a recommended skill allocation to help you optimize your Spiritborn's performance in PVE:
Active Skills:
Rock Splitter - Enhanced: 5 points
Rock Splitter is crucial for dealing with large mobs of enemies. With the enhanced version, you can break through enemy defenses and significantly boost your overall damage output.
Quill Volley - Enhanced, Advantageous: 5 points
This is the core skill of the Quill Volley Eagle Build. Quill Volley allows you to shoot a barrage of feathers at your enemies, which deal high damage and have the added benefit of making enemies vulnerable when three or more feathers hit. The enhanced version increases the damage and effectiveness of this skill significantly.
Ravager - Enhanced, Measured: 1 point
Ravager is an excellent skill for enhancing your damage output. Use it after applying debuffs to enemies for maximum effect.
Armored Hide - Enhanced, Reinforced: 1 point
Armored Hide increases your defense and grants you more survivability in high-intensity fights. This skill is essential for staying alive during long combat sequences, especially when you’re surrounded.
Counterattack - Enhanced, Reinforced: 1 point
This skill helps you evade and counterattack when enemies close in. It allows you to dodge attacks and retaliate with critical strikes, which is crucial for keeping enemies at bay while dealing significant damage.
Scourge - Enhanced, Adaptable: 1 point
Scourge applies poison damage, slows enemies, and adds fear effects, making it a great skill for crowd control and creating chaos in combat.
The Hunger - Harmonious, Exalted: 5 points
The Hunger is a powerful skill that enables you to recover health as you deal damage to enemies, which is incredibly useful for prolonged combat encounters.
Passive Skills:
Vigorous: 2 points
Vigorous increases your health, providing you with a better foundation for staying alive in tough fights.
Balanced Exertion: 3 points
Balanced Exertion boosts your stamina, ensuring you can maintain consistent movement and attack output without running out of energy.
Mirage: 1 point
Mirage grants you the ability to briefly evade damage, making it useful in situations where you need to escape or reposition quickly.
Unrestrained Power: 3 points
This passive skill amplifies your damage output when you’re not restricted by movement speed, allowing you to hit harder when you’re in full motion.
Focal Point: 1 point
Focal Point increases your focus on a specific target, allowing you to deal extra damage to a single enemy, which is useful for dealing with bosses or elite mobs.
Apex: 3 points
Apex boosts your critical hit chance and critical damage, providing a significant damage increase when landing critical strikes.
Endurance: 1 point
Endurance increases your overall survivability, allowing you to withstand more damage in combat.
Perseverance: 3 points
Perseverance ensures that you can maintain your combat momentum by reducing cooldown times and increasing your damage after taking damage.
Skill Rotation for the Quill Volley Eagle Build
Once you’ve allocated your skills, it’s essential to understand the optimal rotation to maximize your damage and control over enemies. The following skill rotation ensures that you can consistently apply debuffs, deal maximum damage, and survive in even the toughest encounters:
Scourge: Start by applying poison damage, slowing down enemies, and causing them to fear. This sets the stage for the rest of your attacks and ensures that enemies are more vulnerable to your damage.
Ravager: After applying Scourge, activate Ravager to boost your overall damage output. This skill increases the potency of your other attacks, making it easier to finish off enemies quickly.
Quill Volley: The core skill of the build, Quill Volley, should be used after Ravager to maximize its effectiveness. Aim for at least three feathers to hit your enemies, making them vulnerable and increasing the damage you can deal.
Counterattack: If enemies close in on you, use Counterattack to dodge their strikes and retaliate with critical damage. This will help you avoid taking damage while dealing more damage in return.
The Hunger: Activate The Hunger to recover health while dealing damage. This is vital for surviving prolonged fights, especially when facing large groups of enemies.
Armored Hide: If you’re overwhelmed or facing tough foes, use Armored Hide to increase your defense and reduce the damage you take. This will allow you to survive longer in intense fights.
Choosing the Best Spirit Hall for Quill Volley Eagle Build
The Spiritborn class has a unique mechanic called Spirit Hall, which enhances your combat abilities based on the spirit animals you choose. For the Quill Volley Eagle Build, we recommend the following:
Primary Spirit Animal: Jaguar (Level 15):
The Jaguar increases your attack damage, making it an excellent choice for a damage-focused build like Quill Volley Eagle. Jaguar's increased skill damage will significantly enhance your combat effectiveness.
Secondary Spirit Animal: Gorilla:
Gorilla’s Resolve provides damage reduction, which will help you survive longer in combat by reducing the amount of damage you take from enemies.
These Spirit animals will complement your Quill Volley Eagle Build, ensuring that both your offense and defense are optimized.
Best Mercenaries for the Quill Volley Eagle Build
To further enhance the effectiveness of your Quill Volley Eagle Build, choosing the right mercenaries is crucial. We recommend the following mercenaries:
Varyana excels in dense mob areas and becomes stronger as you kill enemies. She’s the perfect mercenary for helping you tackle groups of enemies quickly, making her a valuable companion in PVE.
Raheir is a Barbarian mercenary who provides strong defense buffs and can deal substantial damage. His ability to help you survive when surrounded by mobs makes him an excellent backup mercenary.
The Quill Volley Eagle Build in PVP
The Quill Volley Eagle Build doesn’t just shine in PVE—it is also highly effective in PVP. In fact, it is one of the best builds for end-game PVP combat in Diablo 4. The key to its success in PVP is the ability to hit multiple targets with the Quill Volley skill, which fires up to 20 feathers at once, making it nearly impossible for enemies to dodge the full burst of damage.
The high burst potential, combined with the debuffs from Scourge and the evasive abilities of Counterattack, make the Quill Volley Eagle Build a formidable choice in PVP duels or team battles. The build’s versatility ensures that it remains effective in both small skirmishes and large-scale PVP encounters.
As with PVE, using the optimal skill rotation and leveraging your Spiritborn’s unique abilities will give you a significant advantage in PVP.
The Quill Volley Eagle Build is a powerful and flexible build that excels in both PVE and PVP scenarios. In Diablo 4 Season 6, this Spiritborn build stands as one of the best choices for players who want to dominate in combat. With its devastating damage output, survivability, and the ability to control the battlefield, the Quill Volley Eagle Build is sure to remain a top-tier choice for both seasoned and new players alike.
Whether you're exploring the cheap Diablo 4 Items world of Sanctuary, defeating powerful bosses in PVE, or testing your skills against other players in PVP, this build offers the versatility and power needed to succeed. As the Spiritborn class continues to evolve in future seasons, the Quill Volley Eagle Build will remain a force to be reckoned with in the Diablo 4 universe.
Elder Scrolls Online: Are These Golden Vendor Items Worth Acquiring?
In the sprawling world of The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), the Golden Vendor is a pivotal NPC, offering a curated selection of items every weekend. From jewelry to monster pieces, her inventory provides players the chance to snag powerful or unique gear without farming dungeons or trials. However, the question remains: which of ESO Gold these items truly deserve your hard-earned gold or Alliance Points? Let’s dive into her offerings this week and determine what’s worth investing in.
Where to Find the Golden Vendor?
The Golden Vendor, known as Adhazabi Aba-daro, resides in Cyrodiil, the game's central PvP area. Her location varies depending on your faction:
Blue Team: Near The Stables at Northern High Rock Gate.
Yellow Team: Close to the bank at Western Elsweyr Gate.
Red Team: Positioned at Southern Morrowind Gate.
She appears every Friday at 00:00 UTC and departs on Monday at the same time, making her a weekend-exclusive feature. To reach her, you’ll need to enter Cyrodiil, which means braving a PvP zone—stay vigilant, or use travel tools to avoid conflict.
What Does the Golden Vendor Sell?
Each week, the Golden Vendor offers a selection of jewelry and monster set pieces, as well as occasional furnishing plans. These items can be bought using gold or Alliance Points, providing a way to bolster your builds without relying on RNG drops.
Let’s evaluate this week’s offerings and see which are worth acquiring.
Jewelry: Strengths and Weaknesses
1. Queen’s Elegance Set
The Queen’s Elegance jewelry isn’t exactly a standout option. Designed for heavy attack-focused builds, it grants a power boost upon performing a fully charged heavy attack. While this may seem useful, better alternatives exist for maximizing heavy attack damage. Sets like Sergeant’s Mail or Noble Duelist offer more robust benefits for such builds.
Best for: Players starting with heavy attack builds who lack access to meta sets.
Verdict: Skip this unless you’re desperate for a filler set or are experimenting with heavy attack mechanics.
2. Heirloom Necklace
The Heirloom Necklace provides stamina sustain, making it a situationally viable option for healers in PvE content. It’s not groundbreaking but can enhance stamina recovery for group play. For healers looking to experiment with stamina-heavy mechanics, this piece is worth picking up.
Best for: PvE healers looking to enhance group stamina recovery.
Verdict: Acquire one if you have the resources and want to diversify your healer builds.
3. Unleashed Amulet (Unleashed Terror Set)
Once a top-tier item, the Unleashed Terror set has been nerfed over time, reducing its appeal. While it remains viable for damage-over-time (DoT) builds, it’s far from the powerhouse it once was. However, collecting the amulet can still be worthwhile if you’re working on your Sticker Book (a system for reconstructing set pieces).
Best for: Players filling out their collections or running niche DoT builds.
Verdict: Grab it for collection purposes, but don’t prioritize it for end-game builds.
Monster Pieces: To Buy or Not to Buy?
1. Lady Thorn Set
The Lady Thorn set originates from a DLC dungeon and is a decent pick if you’re looking to save yourself the trouble of farming. While the set has its uses, especially in niche builds requiring debuffs, its overall performance is middling. Unless you’re specifically targeting a build that uses Lady Thorn, this item is best acquired to complete your Sticker Book.
Best for: Sticker Book collectors or niche debuff builds.
Verdict: Skip unless you want to avoid farming the dungeon.
2. Slimeclaw
The Slimeclaw set is a standout piece for stamina-based PvE content. With bonuses that enhance weapon critical, it’s a staple for many stamina DPS builds. While it’s possible to farm this piece, doing so can be time-consuming due to RNG mechanics associated with shoulder drops.
Best for: PvE stamina characters looking to optimize damage output.
Verdict: A strong buy for PvE players. While its PvP performance isn’t exceptional, it’s a must-have for PvE enthusiasts.
Infinite Archive: Mythic Leads and Furnishings
The Infinite Archive offers another avenue for obtaining rare items, particularly Mythic Leads and furnishings. This week’s standout item is a gold lead for Dwarven Hinges, a component needed for a Mythic Item. These leads can be notoriously difficult to farm, making them a worthwhile investment if you’re working toward specific Mythics.
Additionally, the Infinite Archive is selling a blue furniture item. While not as critical, collectors or decorators may find it appealing.
Best for: Players focused on Mythic acquisition or home decoration.
Verdict: Prioritize the Dwarven Hinges lead; skip the furniture unless you’re a collector.
Should You Invest Gold or Alliance Points?
When buying from the Golden Vendor, you have the option to spend gold or Alliance Points. Which currency you use depends on your circumstances:
Gold: Ideal for players with surplus wealth who prefer saving their Alliance Points for other purposes.
Alliance Points: Better for PvP-focused players who accumulate points regularly.
Keep in mind that Alliance Points can also be used to purchase siege equipment, repair kits, and other PvP necessities, so spend wisely.
Maximizing Profit: Using the Golden Vendor as a Gold Source
Items bought from the Golden Vendor can sometimes be flipped for profit on the player market, especially monster pieces and rare jewelry. To leverage this as a gold-making method:
Research Demand: Check which sets are in demand within your server’s economy.
Sticker Book Value: Items that complete difficult-to-farm sets tend to sell for a premium.
Rarity of the Item: DLC sets or Mythic Leads often fetch higher prices due to limited availability.
By investing in popular items and reselling them, you can turn the Golden Vendor into a lucrative income source.
Final Recommendations
This week’s Golden Vendor items cater to a mix of niche cheap TESO Gold and general utility builds. Here’s a summarized verdict for each:
Queen’s Elegance: Skip unless you’re desperate for a filler heavy attack set.
Heirloom Necklace: Worth buying for PvE stamina healers.
Unleashed Amulet: Good for Sticker Book completion, less so for practical use.
Lady Thorn: Grab for collection purposes; otherwise, skip.
Slimeclaw: A must-buy for PvE stamina DPS builds.
Dwarven Hinges Lead: Essential for Mythic hunters; buy it.
By choosing wisely, you can optimize your gameplay, boost your builds, and even make some gold on the side. Happy hunting, and may your investments pay off in The Elder Scrolls Online!
Weekly OSRS Recap: New Bosses, Leagues, Game-Changing Items, and Updates
Old School RuneScape (OSRS) fans, rejoice! This week has been a whirlwind of thrilling updates and announcements that have left the community buzzing with excitement. From a brand-new duo boss to powerful items, innovative gameplay mechanics, and intriguing changes to beloved minigames, there's something for everyone to dive into. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just dipping your toes into Gielinor, let’s break down the highlights of OSRS Gold this action-packed week.
A New Duo Boss: The Royal Titans, Eldri and Brander
The centerpiece of this week’s updates is the unveiling of Royal Titans, a duo boss encounter that promises to test the mettle of mid-to-high-level players. Eldri and Brander bring a fresh layer of tactical complexity to bossing in OSRS. Their elemental mechanics and complementary abilities require players to work together, plan their attacks, and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.
Battle Mechanics
Eldri and Brander each represent opposing elemental forces—fire and ice—and players must exploit their respective weaknesses to prevail. Eldri can unleash fiery blasts that scorch the battlefield, while Brander summons icy walls to trap players and limit movement. Working together, the Titans can combine their abilities into devastating team attacks, like the Frozen Inferno, which demands players strategically position themselves to avoid being overwhelmed.
Defeating the Royal Titans offers lucrative rewards, with the most exciting being the Twin Flame Staff. This elemental staff has a groundbreaking mechanic: it automatically switches between elemental spells based on the target's weakness. No more fiddling with your spellbook mid-fight—this staff streamlines combat and opens up new strategic options for PvM encounters.
The Twin Flame Staff requires 60 Magic to wield and sits comfortably between the Trident of the Swamp and Tumeken's Shadow in terms of power. Its ease of use makes it a fantastic option for mid-level players tackling bossing challenges.
In addition to the staff, players can also earn two new untradeable prayers: Mystic Vigor and Deadeye. These prayers, designed for Magic and Ranged combat respectively, offer powerful accuracy and damage boosts without requiring defense levels, making them accessible to a wide range of account builds.
Leagues 5: Raging Echoes—A New Era Begins
Jagex has unveiled Raging Echoes, the fifth installment in the popular Leagues series, set to kick off on November 27. Leagues is a time-limited event that offers unique gameplay modes, relic-based mechanics, and a fresh way to experience OSRS.
Tier One Relics Revealed
The first set of relics has been announced, focusing on resource-gathering perks that make skilling faster and more efficient. Highlights include:
Auto-smelting for mining: Turn ores into bars instantly.
Automatic fletching and firemaking for woodcutting: No more inventory juggling.
Auto-cooking and perfect traps for fishing and hunting: Guaranteed success every time.
The standout relic is the Golden God Relic. This relic enhances alchemy in unprecedented ways, offering:
A 15% boost to gold gained from alchemized items.
A 65% chance to save the item being alched.
Automatic alching with every successful cast.
The Golden God Relic also provides unique utility by converting OSRS gold into Prayer XP (equivalent to dragon bones) and granting the ability to buy noted items from shops, making it a must-have for efficient gameplay.
What’s Next for Leagues?
Jagex has teased a series of weekly reveals leading up to the event, hinting at even more creative relics and features. With such enticing perks already announced, players are eagerly awaiting what’s to come.
Guardians of the Rift Rework: A Fresh Take on Runecrafting
Runecrafting enthusiasts have reason to celebrate with the rework of the Guardians of the Rift minigame. These changes address longstanding player frustrations while improving overall rewards and gameplay flow.
Key Updates
Batch Looting: Players can now redeem up to five loot rolls at a time, making the reward system less tedious.
Increased Rare Loot Chance: For a modest cost of 25 Abyssal Pearls, players can boost their odds of obtaining rare items by 7%.
Flexible Entry and Exit: Players can freely enter or leave the minigame if there are 100 or more participants, reducing downtime.
XP Scaling for Cells: Full XP is now awarded when using cells on barriers, even if the barriers are at full HP.
The Colossal Pouch
The Colossal Pouch, a beloved utility for Runecrafting, now scales with your crafting level. This change makes it accessible to a broader range of players and enhances its utility across different account types.
Bug Report: The Quiver Glitch
Amidst the excitement, a notable bug emerged this week involving players’ equipped ammo. Dubbed the Quiver Glitch, this issue caused ammo in the equipment slot to disappear under specific conditions.
The glitch gained attention after popular OSRS content creator TastyLife reported losing a single Dragon Javelin during gameplay. Other players quickly tested the issue, with one unfortunate adventurer losing over 12 million GP worth of Dragon Arrows.
Thankfully, Jagex acted swiftly to resolve the issue, ensuring players no longer risk their valuable ammo. This incident highlights the importance of community vigilance and quick reporting in maintaining game stability.
Community Spotlight: OSRS Chronicles and Falco AJ’s Art
In lighter news, OSRS Chronicles continues to shine a spotlight on the creativity and achievements of the RuneScape community. This week, artist Falco AJ unveiled stunning new artwork celebrating iconic OSRS bosses like the Abyssal Sire and Kraken.
As part of a special Black Friday promotion, OSRS Chronicles is offering discounts on posters, desk mats, and raid-themed artwork. These items not only make great additions to any gamer’s collection but also support talented artists within the community.
Channel Updates and Content Plans
The OSRS Chronicles team is shifting gears to focus on producing higher-quality weekly episodes instead of their previous thrice-weekly schedule. This change aims to deliver richer, more in-depth content that celebrates the best stories, events, and updates in OSRS.
Final Thoughts: A Week of Innovation and Engagement
This week’s updates underscore Jagex’s commitment to keeping OSRS fresh and engaging for players of all levels. From the dynamic Royal Titans boss fight to the innovative Twin Flame Staff, the game continues to evolve while staying true to its old-school charm.
Meanwhile, the upcoming Raging Echoes Leagues event and the reworked Guardians of the Rift promise to keep players entertained for weeks to
buy RS Gold come. With the holiday season fast approaching, now is the perfect time to jump into Gielinor and experience everything OSRS has to offer.
So gear up, strategize, and enjoy the adventure—because in the world of Old School RuneScape, the possibilities are endless. Happy scaping!
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